Les Amis du Verseau is a not-for-profit organisation established by the van der Straten family in the early 1970s with the sole purpose of enhancing the opportunities for children at Ecole Internationale Le Verseau and for them to learn in a welcoming climate open to other cultures and other languages.

As a Belgian ASBL, the association is not owned by any individual or shareholders but is essentially governed by a Board of Directors who are the custodians of the association and who ensure that the founding principles of supporting Ecole Internationale Le Verseau are maintained and passed down through the generations.

The van der Straten family donated the land and provided initial investment and working capital to build the school. The land and the school buildings are now owned by the association, thus preserving the sustainability of the project.

Everard van der Straten, the son of the founders, sits on the Board of Directors and dedicates pro-bono time and energy to help ensure that the legacy of the founders prevails.

Les Amis du Verseau has funded the development of over 10,000 children through its support for Ecole Internationale Le Verseau and continues to enhance the educational experiences of children from Belgium and, indeed, from all over the world.


The association was formed to benefit from the generosity of founders, donors, parents, alumni and more broadly all those who support the project of the school.

All those who participate in the life of the association (board members, subscribing members and associate members) are compelled by the educational values of Le Verseau.

The Board of Directors have responsibility for the good governance and management of the organisation.

Members of the Board of Directors:

  • Francois de Borchgrave , President
  • Everard van der Straten , Director
  • Ginette Scheer , Director

In order to ensure full transparency, the Board holds an Annual Information Meeting at which all subscribing members of Les Amis du Verseau are invited to review accounts for the year and discuss other statutory matters.


The activities of Les Amis du Verseau are restricted to the provision of financial and resource-based support to the two “Ecole Internationale Le Verseau” schools : Kindergarten & Primary and Secondary.

The ability to undertake these activities is wholly dependent upon the contributions from subscribing members and from other sponsorship donations.

Current projects and activities supported by Les Amis du Verseau include:

Enhanced English Curriculum

Students are able to pursue their study of English in smaller groups at Ecole Internationale Le Verseau, according to the students’ linguistic profile, ranging from beginner to native speaker. This programme is made possible by contributions from Les Amis du Verseau which funds additional native speaking English teachers. The enhanced English curriculum has enabled Ecole Internationale Le Verseau to be a Cambridge Testing Centre, recognised internationally.

Supplementary Staff

Students at the school benefit from an enhanced staff : pupil ratio. Classes are mostly limited to a maximum of 22 pupils, except for language classes where an average of 15 pupils is the norm.

Kindergarten Assistants and additional supervisors accompany the pupils on a daily basis. Subject-specialist staff reinforce the schools’ teaching teams.

Student wellbeing is central to the ethos of the school; additional staff members support children of all ages according to their different needs.

Thanks to the support of additional administrative staff, the Head Teachers are more hands on and are closer to the students, teachers and families.

Supplementary staff are all funded by Les Amis du Verseau.

Swimming Pool

A huge benefit at Ecole Internationale Le Verseau is the privileged access to a swimming pool situated on its campus.

The school provides a swimming programme to students starting from the age of 5.

The land upon which the swimming pool is built was made available by Les Amis du Verseau, allowing the sporting facility to operate independently.

Technology Facilitation

Computer classes are taught at Ecole Internationale Le Verseau to students from the age of 8 thanks to bespoke computer labs and equipment.

The majority of the school’s classrooms are equipped with interactive white boards or projectors.

Students use tablets to develop their technical skills and to enhance and diversify learning activities in various subjects.

This technology facilitation project is made practically possible through the dedicated ICT support team funded by Les Amis du Verseau.

Libraries and Media Resources / Research Centres

There are several libraries distributed across Primary and Secondary school providing various resources in different languages.

In addition, there are reading corners throughout the school designed to encourage the pleasure of reading at all ages.

The libraries are augmented with books purchased through contributions to Les Amis du Verseau and managed by librarians part-funded by the Association.

Pedagogical Equipment

Thanks to Les Amis du Verseau, Ecole Internationale Le Verseau has been able to provide ancillary pedagogical equipment to supplement facilities in the playgrounds, gymnasiums and classrooms. The additional teaching material and tools provide an enriched learning environment and experience for children across the school.


Entrepreneurship is an important value at Ecole Internationale le Verseau.

The Secondary school organises the Mini-Enterprise Programme for 5th and 6th years which is co-ordinated by staff funded by Les Amis du Verseau. The programme includes extensive coaching and facilitation for participating groups culminating in a national schools’ competition in which Le Verseau has regularly won awards.

Model United Nations (MUN) & Model European Parliament (MEP)

Our Secondary school pupils are given the unique opportunity to participate in two prestigious programmes in which students learn about diplomacy, international relations and current world affairs.

Through simulation exercises involving other schools from Europe (MEP) and across the world (MUN) students take part in debates where they play the role of delegates to these international institutions.

The programmes are excellent platforms for the development of debating skills and the advance use of the English language. Les Amis du Verseau fully funds the organisation, co-ordination and coaching staff for these two extra-curricular activities.

University Applications Coaching

Les Amis du Verseau fund the programme for 5th and 6th year Secondary students to receive advice and coaching to assist their choice of university and how to apply for various international institutions. The school liaises directly with the universities in order to provide up to date information and guidance on individual application processes.

Duke of Edinburgh International Award Programme

This internationally recognised and highly prestigious programme is available for Secondary students in 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th years. Students can apply and participate in the Bronze, Silver and Gold awards schemes which includes a variety of activities ranging from social contribution to specific skills and competencies.

The school is accredited to provide this programme thanks to contributions from Les Amis du Verseau who also finance the training of the adult volunteers and administrative and operational costs.

Career Orientation Coaching

Ecole Internationale Le Verseau provides advice and guidance to Secondary School pupils to assist their understanding of career options and opportunities. Les Amis du Verseau funds the coaching staff who provide professional guidance and support.

Enhanced Dutch & German Curriculum

As with English, lessons are taught in smaller groups of approximately of 15 students. Thanks to the expertise of additional native speakers, activities are differentiated according to pupils’ linguistic needs.

Green Campus Environment

Through the donation to Les Amis du Verseau of the land on which the schools’ campus stands, students at Ecole Internationale Le Verseau are able to learn, grow and thrive in a spacious green environment of 3 hectares. This encompasses the school grounds with extensive playing fields as well as an adjoining meadow where a range of ecological initiatives are being undertaken. This includes a greenhouse, an orchard, a vegetable garden and a Miyawaki micro-forest, planted by pupils from the age of 2.5 to 18 in 2023.